# Reward to run when cooldown ends for this votesite
# Enable PerSiteCoolDownEvents in Config.yml to use this
# Messages:
# Player: '&aTime to go vote on site1'
# Rewards to give
# https://github.com/BenCodez/AdvancedCore/wiki/Rewards
# Execute console commands
- 'stop'
# Send player a message
Player: 'You voted'
How to add a new Vote Links?
Before adding a new Voting Site, please make a backup to your VoteSites.yml FIRST!
Head over to Plugins/VotingPlugin/Config.yml
go over to line 632,
# If true, plugin will automaticly generate votesites
# Disable this if you experience issues with sites being created randomly
# Most cases this will work all the time
AutoCreateVoteSites: false #<-- Set this to true!
After doing a TEST VOTIFIER, for all the websites, head back to your VoteSites.yml again, all the Tested Votifier Vote Sites, will be inputted AUTOMATICALLY by the plugin, now all you need to do is modifies the Configs.
Example Vote Configuration:
# VoteSite key
# Used for saving data for votesites
# Use a short name if you can
# No spaces or dots
# Enable voteSite
# If false, votesite will not be loaded by plugin
# Default: false
Enabled: false
# Display name of voting site
Name: 'ExampleVoteSite'
# Priority of this site
# Used for sorted list
# High prority, higher on the list
Priority: 5
# If true, voteside will be hidden from some GUI's, similar to being disabled
Hidden: false
# The serviceName from the vote, has to be correct to work correctly
# Gotten from voting on the site (will be in console/log)
# Usually is the main part of the url(e.g. PlanetMinecraft.com), but not always
# See console when you vote (it will notify you if the plugin didn't find a votingsite matching the service site
ServiceSite: 'PlanetMinecraft.com'
# vote url for /vote
# Format for this can be set in Config.yml
# Do not include colors here
# If you need to force a url set the url as this:
VoteURL: 'link to vote URL here, used in /vote'
# Time between votes in hours (used for /vote next)
# Most sites are 24 hours
VoteDelay: 24
# Use to have a minute votedelay
# Must set a value on VoteDelay if you plan on only using this setting
#VoteDelayMin: 30
# Require waiting until votedelay time has pasted in order to accept vote
# Recommend: false
WaitUntilVoteDelay: false
# Reset vote delay each day (for certain sites that do this)
# Recommend: false
VoteDelayDaily: false
# Replaces offset, set the exact hour based on server time
# Include server time offset when setting this
# 2 = 2 am server time
# Use 1-24
#VoteDelayDailyHour: 14
# If true, rewards can be executed offline (requires ForceOffline to be true in the reward)
# Setting this to true will execute the reward offline while the player is offline
# This basiclly disables offline voting if set to true, don't misinterpret this option
ForceOffline: false
# Requrie a permission to view site in GUI
# If empty or not set anyone can view (default)
#PermissionToView: 'Perm.here'
# VoteSite Material for some GUI's
# Removing this may result in an error, required on each site
Material: 'DIAMOND'
Amount: 1
Geyser/Bedrock player Support
# Geyser/Bedrock player support
# Set prefix used for voting
# Players should vote with prefix
# https://github.com/BenCodez/VotingPlugin/wiki/Bedrock-Player-Support
BedrockPlayerPrefix: 'BE_' #<-- Change this to your Geyser's PREFIX
Caching a Placeholder, if "..."
You must input the needed ONLY placeholder that will get cached when your server is running, this OPTION is very very important when it comes to Server Performance Voting Caching...
# Placeholderapi placeholders settings
# When enabled the command /vote setprimaryaccount (playername)
# will be shown (after restart)
# Primary account will be used instead of the players account to get
# placeholder and other data such as vote reminding
# Mainly to be used for alts and such
UsePrimaryAccountForPlaceholders: false
# Valid Options:
# AUTOALL - Auto cache placeholders after they have been used and cache all players placeholder all the time
# AUTO - Auto cache after they have been used and cache online players placeholders (Recommended)
# SPECIFIC - Only cache certain placeholders for online players
# SPECIFICALL - Only cache certain placeholders for all players
# NONE - Don't cache any placeholders
PlaceholderCacheLevel: SPECIFICALL #AUTOALL
# Placeholder controls
# Add _process to end of placeholder to force a return value rather than . or .. if no cached value is ready
# Add _nocache to end of placeholder to skip cache and retrive a live value, uses a direct mysql connection, do not use on main thread
# Set which placeholders to cache at all times
# Use for placeholders to are pulled constantly or on the main thread
# Mainly aimed for scoreboards that pull placeholders often
# Placeholders may auto cache in certain conditions (if enabled above)
# Will use additional memory, but not a lot
# Still in early stages, please report bugs
# Please remove VotingPlugin_ from the placeholder listed here
How to manually add the Dynamical Voting Status?
When it comes to manually adding the dynamical status, make sure that the placeholder that you were USING is getting cached,
A: I want to add the Following Site MinecraftMP, to be automatically turns into red if player haven't voted, and so turns into green if already VOTED.
B: If we want to make something like that, make sure the following placeholder has been inputted correclty on the configuration:
B: Now if you've done that, next chapter is tries to restart your server First, and if already Restarted, execute the following command: /papi parse me %PLACEHOLDER%,
A: Done and i also received the value: false
B: After you've executed the command and you received an value after the execution, Next is head over to the CommandPanels:
'20': # SLOT
has0: # YES
value0: '%VotingPlugin_CanVote_MinecraftMP_process%'
compare0: 'true'
has1: # NO
value1: '%VotingPlugin_CanVote_MinecraftMP_process%'
compare1: 'false'
How to fix Bedrock User's Invalid Luckperms?
# If LuckPerms should allow usernames with non alphanumeric characters.
# - Note that due to the design of the storage implementation, usernames must still be 16 characters
# or less.
allow-invalid-usernames: false` #< -- set this to true!